42 strip diagram division
^Note: ^This ^is ^a ^sequel ^to ^Persistence ^of ^Vision, ^which ^can ^be ^read ^[here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypasta/comments/3oxd5w/persistence_of_vision/) *“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Up, down, yes, no.”* The pleasant looking woman in the grey wool uniform on the other side of the glass pressed a switch before her. A faint hiss follows as our two chambers are equalized. *“What’s the point of that?”* I muttered, mostly to myself. To my surprise, Ken an... The General’s tent was less a tent and more an enormous tarp stretched over the walls of a house, all built to be broken down and carried in wagons. From outside, the tent looked similar to the makeshift cabins of the Vaakundland North’s trappers, the inside revealing a far more modular nature. Walls of light wood and sturdy canvas could be packed and fit into carts and brought any number of miles before being set up again, interchangeable sections meaning that any layout for the interior...